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Be It To Teach It

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by Admin 27th February, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!!!

We are so glad that we all made it into the new year.

This year in our monthly correspondence, we will be focusing on sharing parenting tips. The reason for this choice is because in these times more than ever before, a child's all round success is going to be tied to the quality of parenting that they are getting and quality parenting can only come from quality knowledge. You can only do any thing to the extent of the knowledge you have about it.

So we will be sharing tips for you to give your child that parenting advantage this year because that is the magic bullet.

Our first tip for January is:
I don't know who coined this but it is such a helpful phrase to keep in mind this year.

Want your child to be respectful? Model it!
Want your child to be greet others? Model it!
Want your child to apologize? Model it!
Want your child to read books? Model it!
Want to be kind? Model it!

Demanding it doesn't teach them how to do i
Show them how it is done.

And remember that when they are ready (developmentally, biologically, cognitively, emotionally and physically) - they will do it.

And if they still don't do it, trust that there is a valid reason - you may be expecting too much too soon.

Meet your child where they are at.

Have a productive new year.