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Don't Chance It, Plan It!

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by Admin 27th February, 2023

Hello awesome Parents, welcome to February. We are in the second month of the new year already. Wow! Time truly flies.

As we promised at the beginning of the year, we will be focusing on sharing parenting tips in our monthly posts because we all know that you are the first and last line of defence for how your child turns out.

Recently, I enrolled for a one-year parenting course in the famous Intentional Parenting Academy (TIP). One would wonder why I did that considering that most of my children are already grown up. Anyway, it dawned on me that I am parenting this precious little ones at Blooms 'n Daisies School alongside their biological parents and if I am to succeed at it, I must arm myself with relevant knowledge because I can't afford to do trial and error with the lives of these children. The experience at the academy has being nothing short of enlightening and I can see the changes in my parenting approach already. I wish I did this earlier and this is why I am asking you to start today.